Electrolyte Supplements Keto

If you are following a ketogenic diet, chances are you have experienced the well-known condition known as keto flu. This is characterized by classic symptoms like brain fog, cramps, fatigue, change in blood pressure, fatigue, and feelings of dizziness. Don’t worry, there is no need to be (too) scared. Identify the problem, and the solution might be simpler than you thought. One of the reasons you have the flu is electrolyte imbalance.

Such is the topic of our article. We will talk about what electrolytes are, how to get electrolytes on keto, the benefits of taking supplements, and reviews on the best products you can buy.

What Is Electrolytes Supplement?

First of all, let’s try to understand the basics of electrolytes without getting too much in scientific detail. The release of glucose caused by a ketogenic diet will lead to an inevitable loss of fluids. In fact, every gram of glucose is tied to about 2 or 3 grams of water which will be released with it. Alongside fluid, the body will also expel a great amount of electrolytes, including important nutrients sodium, potassium, and magnesium. This is why you get symptoms of flu, the imbalance experienced by your organism is too much. If such imbalance becomes too severe, you might experience more serious symptoms like heart palpitations and abnormal nerve function.

We mention electrolytes a lot, but what are they? Simply put, they are mineral-carrying electrical charges. Their main functions include support to the function of cells and the production of energy, as well as stimulate contractions in the muscles (including your heart!).

Given the importance of minerals in our body and the initial difficulty in retaining them in our body in the case we are following a ketogenic diet, there are a lot of products to supply a good amount of minerals for those dieters. Because there are so many, it may be hard to understand what the best one for you is. To find the answer, you have to look at a few elements, most importantly the ingredients. Some of these are:

  • Sodium chloride (salt)
  • Potassium chloride
  • Magnesium citrate

Some of the absolute “don’ts” on the supplement you buy are added sugars or sweeteners, harmful for everyone but especially for those on a ketogenic diet, artificial colors, and other unnecessary elements.

Benefits of the Best Electrolytes for Keto

Now that you know what keto and electrolytes are let’s see together some of the key benefits you can receive when taking these kinds of supplements.

We start by saying minerals are absolutely vital. Just to make an example, they are among the primary reasons why your heart is beating right now. You should consume an electrolyte supplement or food which contains it not strictly because of keto benefits but mainly because if you don’t do so, your body might start functioning bad.

Benefits from assuming electrolytes tables or other keto-friendly supplements include the warding off of nausea, dizziness, and other, even more, worrying side effects. The main benefit, however, is the balancing of fluids in the body alongside your pH level. They also regulate nerves, muscles, and your brain’s functionality, as well as perform many other, little but no less fundamental, functions.

Best Electrolyte Supplements for Keto

Ultima Replenisher Hydrating Powder

Ultima Replenisher Hydrating Powder

Short Description

Completely sugar, gluten, and caffeine-free, the Ultima Replenisher is vegan and a perfect keto electrolyte powder supplement as it will be able to replenish your body of the minerals lost during physical exercise. What is more, it is free from additives and completely in line with a vegan, paleo, and/or ketogenic diet.

Pros and Cons

+ Certified vegan.

+ Non-GMO verified.

+ Zero calories, sugar, and carbs and no soy or peanut.

– The price is a bit high.


Dissolve 1 scoop in 16 fl oz of water or another drink of your choice.


The canister containing one serving costs $41.99 on Ultima’s official website. You can choose among nine different, natural flavors.

Hi-Lyte K1000 Powder

Hi-Lyte K1000 Powder

Short Description

The “K1000” in the name stands for the quantity of potassium contained in the product, 1000 mg. It is a complete and balanced electrolyte powder keto supplement and will hydrate your body, energize cells and muscles and improve nerve function.

Pros and Cons

+ No additives (sugar, calories, gluten, or other artificial ingredients).

+ Rich in potassium.

– Only comes in a limited amount of flavors.


At first, try half a serving of K1000 supplement to make sure you tolerate the product well. Once your body starts adjusting, you can go up and take one scoop per day. Do not take more than three servings of K1000 per day.


The price for this electrolyte supplement currently stands at about $29.94 online.

Powder by Key Nutrients

Powder by Key Nutrients

Short Description

To help you during your daily activities, as well as at the gym, and replenish your organism with a good amount of electrolytes on keto, Key Nutrients have designed their supplement, which contains 12 additional vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. This will guarantee support to your nerves and muscles, including the heart.

Pros and Cons

+ Sugar, calorie, carbs, and caffeine-free.

+ 12 additional nutrients for even more energy.

+ Plant based, with stevia extract.

– Does not taste too good.


The company advises to take 1 to 3 scoops a day of their electrolyte supplement to support your levels of electrolytes keto and an extra serving after physical exercise to support recovery and stay hydrated.


The electrolyte supplement currently sells at about $29.94.

Powder by Keto Vitals

Powder by Keto Vitals

Short Description

The powder by Keto Vitals promotes deep sleep, increased energy, elevated mood, and muscle function by replenishing key minerals. The supplement is specifically tailored to the needs of low carbs dieters and will keep you at your peak performance.

Pros and Cons

+ Great to fight against keto flu and cramps.

+ Mix of magnesium, sodium, and calcium to meet balance and improvements.

+ Free from calories, carbs, and sugar.

– It doesn’t mix easily with water or other beverages.


Try starting consuming the electrolyte supplement with two servings a day with a meal. After your body has adapted, you can increase the dosage.


The current price stated on the company’s official page is $39.99.

Dr Berg’s Powder

Dr Berg’s Powder

Short Description

Dr Berg’s supplement provides the perfect balance of minerals without the added sugar and zero maltodextrin. The powder supports hydratation, muscle recovery, and healthy energy levels.

Pros and Cons

+ Certified by the FDA.

+ Contains 13x more potassium than common sports drinks.

+ Gluten free and non-GMO.

– Not all flavors are really tasty.


It is suggested you mix 1 scoop of the electrolyte supplement in a 16 oz glass of water.


The official price on Dr Berg website is $33.99 per 1 bottle, and you have the option to buy 1, 3, or 6 bottles.


We have reached the end of the article on electrolytes supplements for a keto diet. We hope that by now, you understood how important it is for a healthy body to have the right amount of minerals in your organism. Especially in the first period of your keto diet, you will perhaps experience symptoms of the so-called keto flu because of the absence of enough minerals in the body, as the glucose you are expelling will carry with it a few grams of fluid.

To prevent this from happening, it’s important you keep the amount of minerals balanced. That is why we have advised you a few brands selling the best products to supplement you with a good amount of these macronutrients. Remember to always do your research before buying an electrolyte supplement on the internet and to get in contact with an expert to get all the additional information referred specifically to your personal health condition.

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